Wayang wong and Wayang topeng shadow theatre


Máscara Kuda Narawangsa

On the island of Java, Indonesia, there is a tradition of dance theatre, with the particularity of using masks, which is called Wayang Topeng. Originally, this form of cultural expression was reserved to the court, practised by members of the aristocracy or professionals. Over time, however, it became a more popular form of entertainment, performed at wedding ceremonies and other festive events.

Also in Indonesia, on the island of Bali, masks are used in various dance dramas, including Wayang Wong, which traditional repertoire is the epic Ramayana. The masks used in these performances are considered sacred and treated as objects of veneration, so for most of the year they are kept in temples. Whenever a new mask needs to be built, a specific tree is selected in which the wood has certain protuberances, indicating that the tree is “pregnant”, and the tree itself is then asked to give its consent to be cut down. During the process of making the masks, numerous rituals and offerings are made.